Remove All Overwhelm So You Can Transition Easier & Faster ...

The UNDERDOG Academy™ Is The Quickest Path To Building a Full-Time 6-Figure Income
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Let’s Start With The Truth….

  • Faking it Until You Make it Is a Big Lie. You don't need to be the best to succeed but you do need to be able to demonstrate a minimum level of competency. And this can not be done alone. You need to follow a proven path from someone who has done it before.
  • Launching Your Course is Fun, But The Real Money is in Recurring Sales. No One is       Teaching You HOW To Do this. Most other programs are short sighted launch style programs. 
  • The Best Teacher Wins. Knowing WHAT To Teach in Your Course is Important. Knowing HOW To Teach it is Where The Money & Impact is. You'll be judged on your communication. 
  • There is No Such Thing as an Overnight Success. Please be sceptical anytime you see online that you can make a million dollars without doing anything. Don't buy into that. 
  • Pride is The Ultimate Prison. Pride will tell us that we can figure this out on our own. The truth is, you've already tried that. Surrendering does not mean giving up. Surrendering means allowing yourself to become the best student so you can become successful. 

But It Doesn't Have To Be This Way...

Finally For The Very FIRST Time, There is a Program Designed Specifically For The Little Guy, The Unknown Outsider, The Underdog. Yes, YOU! 

  • 2-DAY Course Secrets Intensive™ Workshop (Done With You) Map Out Your ENTIRE Course From A-Z  ($6,149 Value)
  • Brand New Challenge Mastery Course - Includes Brand New Tiny Challenge Course ($4,997 Value)
  • Entire Challenge Traffic Secrets Organic Marketing Course - Recommended By Russell Brunson ($3,997 Value) 
  • 5,6,7 Figure Pathway ($1,497 Value)
  • ​12-Months of Bi-Weekly Group Coaching - Replays Included ($7,997 Value)
  • ​Lifetime Access To The Underdog Academy FB Group - Average Response Time 3-Hrs ($1,497 Value)
  • Three Tickets To My Business Bootcamp -  Hosted 3x/yr, 24Months to use.($6,991 Value)
  • ​BONUS 90-Days of Personal Accountability with Coach Shane Bird (Value $1,497)
  • ​BONUS 5-Day Virtual NLP Coaching Competency Certification (Value $2,997)


“Richmond Is A True Innovator When It Comes To Running Challenges And He Is The Creator Of The Tiny Challenge(TM) Model Which Has Revolutionised The Online Coaching Space."

Here's What The Next 12-Month Journey Will Look Like Inside The Underdog Academy™...

  • Create Your Organic Social Media Pipeline So You Can Get Qualified Coaching Leads on Demand
  • Map Out Your ENTIRE Challenge  Including Your Tiny Challenge™
  • Create, Design and More Importantly, Successfully Launch Your Course
  • Learn HOW To Actually Coach and Become Internationally Certified
  • ​Scale Your Business From Your First 10 Clients All The Way Up to 100 Clients
  • Get Step By Step Support During Our Bi- Weekly Group Coaching Calls
  • Create The Systems To Actually Take on Paying Clients Such as Emails, Calander Links, Payment Systems and Portals
  • Make Money, Impact Lives, and Transition into Full Time Coaching

The UNDERDOG Academy™ Also Includes:

Entire Challenge Traffic Secrets Organic Marketing Course

Sharing with you in Detail the exact steps you need to take to become fully booked, without ad spend, using our Challenge Traffic Secrets system as recommended by Russell Brunson. 

$3,997 Value

12 Months of Bi-Weekly Group Mentoring Calls 

12-Months of ongoing support to help you with your course, your challenge and also generating consistent ready to buy leads every single week without ad spend. This is more support than you get in most $25K Masterminds

$7,997 Value

Life-Time Access To Our Underdog Academy Facebook Support Group

Need your questions answered with an average response time of 3-hours? Need extra feedback on the work that you're doing? This support group is your go to community so you can stay clear and confident all the way through. 

$1,497 Value


Don't Leave Your Future To Chance

In coaching, this is the early stage coach who has little chance of making it because they are entering an arena where their competitors have more experience, more testimonials, a bigger brand, a bigger following, more connections and quite often, their program is cheaper and better.

When you really think about it, the early stage coach has next to zero chance of winning.

And the bigger players know this and use it to their advantage.

The problem with our industry right now is that there is currently NO-ONE out there that is representing the underdog early stage coach.

It seems like every coach is just competing for their own corner of the market place whilst the bigger players are trying to push the little guys out of the market.

Being a massive underdog myself, I've been reflecting back on my journey and really wished there was someone out there to represent the early stage coach - the underdog.

It wouldn't have made the struggle go away, but it would have made a massive difference to at least feel heard.

If we take my story back even further, I was a minority in school and bullied nearly every day for being Asian. Being told to go back to my own country.

It was tough... and I wish there was someone representing me then.

This is why I've decided to take ownership and be that leader that I wanted when I started. 

In a midst of uncertainty, there's one thing I'm sure of.... and that's I know how YOU feel. I see you.

Together we fight.

Together we unite.

Together we lead and serve for what's right.

Keep Believing & Never Settle


Yes, They Started Exactly Where You Are


  • 26 yo Voice Coach For Amateur Musicians
  • Small Fish Outsider, No Name, No Brand
  • Ran Tiny Challenges For Amateur Singers
  • ​He Went From $4K to $119K in 14 Months


  • Unfulfilled School Teacher Earning 60K/yr
  • NLP Coach For Health & Wellness – No Name, Massive Industry Outsider 
  • Went From Zero To $610K in 32 Months as a Mum of 2 Kids Under 10


  • Leadership Coach Stuck on 3K/Month
  • Massive Underdog Experiencing Racism In The Workforce & On Social Media For Being a Latino
  • Despite Having the Odds Stacked Against Her, She Made Over $500K in 20 Months


  • Branding Coach From Spain, English is also his second language
  • Invested his LAST $2,000 on Me and Went All In With Nothing To Lose, Because He Had Nothing To Lose
  • Went From 2K To $460K in 17 Months


  • Mindset Coach For Musicians
  • Joined in Jan 2022 With ZERO Social Media Following and Zero Clients
  • Went From ZERO To $190K in 18 Months, Where He Got His First 10 Paying Clients in The First 4 Weeks


  • Corporate Accountant Turned Relationship Coach
  • Massive Disadvantage Because When She Transitioned into Coaching, She Was Going Through a Divorce, Had Lost Everything and Was Left with 3 Young Kids Under 10, One of Which Had Special Needs
  • Went From Zero To $320K in 26 Months

If You Believe That There MUST Be More To Life Than Being Stuck in a 9-5 For The Rest of Your Life, Then This is Your Next Step….


I've tried other coaching programs. What makes this different? 
Richmond is the creator and innovator of the One on One Tiny Challenge(TM) model and there is no-one in the industry that is teaching this, nor are they allowed to as the intellectual property has been internationally trademarked. He is also one of the few that has created and launched 8 consecutive courses without fail. Rest assured, you're not learning from theory but from an abundance of experience
What if I can not attend the Live event or Virtual events? 
We run our live and virtual events for both business bootcamp and the coaching certification a total of 5x per year in which you have a total of 24 months to attend. So don't stress, you have time and over the 10 events we run in a 24 month period, no doubt, you'll be able to find time for at least 2 of them. 
Do you offer any payment plans?
Yes we offer an easy payment plan option from $595 per month x 10 payments
Is there a refund should I want one?
Due to receiving the full program upon signing up, unfortunately we do not offer refunds. What's more important is offering you 12 full months so you can achieve your result which is why you invested in the first place
I don't have any experience as a coach. Will this work for me?
Absolutely. This program is specifically designed for the early stage coach without experience, without a list and without an established brand. The program is not designed for the already successful well known coach. 

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This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated are from myself & my clients. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Income is not guaranteed. Depending on your level of commitment, you may make less, the same or more than the examples in this case study. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

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Point One Pty Ltd